Monday, 29 June 2015

Marriage's organic strong white bread flour

First go with Marriage's flour. It's a whopper! In fact I've left it in the 2lb tin to illustrate its volume. Great flavour/aroma and beautiful cracking upon cooling. 

Marriage's organic strong white bread flour100.0%
Evian mineral water66.0%
Fresh yeast4.0%
Billington's Organic Golden Granulated2.0%
Pro Fusion Himalayan Rose Pink2.0%
Poppy seeds4.0%

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Poppy loaf with a really long autolyse

I made the autolyse on Wednesday morning but didn't have time to make the loaf so it went in the fridge until the following evening.

It makes beautifully brittle toast. But I couldn't find my tin!

Shipton Mill white organic bread flour100.0%
Evian mineral water66.0%
Fresh yeast4.0%
Billington's Organic Golden Granulated2.0%
Pro Fusion Himalayan Rose Pink2.0%
Poppy seeds4.0% 

Monday, 8 June 2015

White with extra seaweed

A very odd crust! Did I take my eye off the kneed? Not sure. I didn't do the poolish pre-rise; perhaps some of the gluten development happens then?

Total flour100.0%
Evian mineral water66.0%
Fresh yeast4.0%
Billington's Organic Golden Granulated2.0%
Pro Fusion Himalayan Rose Pink2.5%
Dried seaweed2.00%
And I doubled the amount of seaweed so it was a little well-seasoned.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Miso, seaweed and poppy seed

I've missed the miso bread, it feels so healthy!

Shipton Mill white organic bread flour100.0%
Evian mineral water66.0%
Fresh yeast5.0%
Billington's Organic Golden Granulated2.0%
Pro Fusion Himalayan Rose Pink2.0%
Poppy seeds3.0%
Sanchi Hatcho Miso10%
Dried seaweed0.50%